I’m Alicia. I’m an architect-to-be and a recent graduate of the University of Chicago, where I studied Architectural History and Latin American Studies. Come September, I will be studying Chinese Architectural History at Peking University—for now, I work at my alma mater within the department of Planning and Design.

I first created At the Crossroads as a travel blog, and expected it to span the duration of my three month stay in Chile and Peru in the summer of 2011. When I picked it up again in Spring 2012 in order to catalog my days spent living in Paris as a study abroad student, I quickly realized that daily journal writing about the sometimes-mundane happenings in my life is simply not intuitive for me. Thus, this blog has morphed into a grab bag of art, design, architecture, and more.

Happy reading!

10 Things About Me

  1. I have designed clothing for three years. The collection I am most proud of translated the buildings of the University of Chicago campus into clothing.
  2. My favorite food is sour cream. My boyfriend once joked that if I died, he would leave tubs of sour cream at my grave instead of flowers.
  3. I dedicated a lot of my time in college studying Chilean architecture, and I wrote my thesis about the Open City of Ritoque, an experimental architecture site built by students & professors of the University of Valparaiso.
  4. I’m moving to Beijing next year!! (To study architectural history.)
  5. I grew up on the West Coast (Sacramento, California) and would like to move back to the Bay Area/Portland/L.A. someday.
  6. My spirit animal is a turtle.
  7. Finding, collecting, and enjoying music doesn’t come easily to me, but I enjoy Salsa, 90s Rock, Alternative/Independent Rock, Hip Hop, and Bluegrass (when I’m in the South). Right now I’m listening to a lot of K.Flay, Azealia Banks, Ana Tijoux, and everything featured on the Alt.Latino podcast (NPR).
  8. Although I’m not organized in all areas of my life, my daily planner is my lifeblood.
  9. I love yoga but I also love having money. This is a problem for me.
  10. Goodreads, Jezebel, and iamafoodblog are probably my most-visited sites on the web. On Goodreads, I track every book I read in the calendar year (and I definitely include graphic novels—they count).
  1. Cynthia French said:

    Keep up the Francisco sayings… Your comment back to him cracked me up because it sounded exactly like something I would have said. Gotta love that Dixon humor that I apparently handed down to you. LOL! I’m glad he gets your humor.

  2. Jon French said:

    Keep it up,I love this

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